Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Genographic Project

I just found out about this via a mass email from our CEO. Apparently, IBM is teaming up with the National Geographic Society for a "five-year research partnership to deepen our understanding of how the human race populated the planet." Here's more:

The Genographic Project has two main components. One is the collection and field
analysis of DNA samples from more than 100,000 members of the last remaining
indigenous populations on the planet -- compiling one of the largest DNA
collections ever assembled. In addition, we're inviting members of the general
public to take part by purchasing cheek swab kits and submitting their own DNA
for analysis. Individuals will then receive customized genetic maps with
specific details of the migratory paths followed by their own ancestors.
It looks like the kits available to the general public are $107.50 (including S&H) but it looks like I can get them for $83.90. If anyone is interested in getting one and wants to work out something, drop me an email at They're a little pricey and I'm not sure I can afford to do it right now, but this sounds like an awesome opportunity to learn a little more about your roots.


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