Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Xbox 360

This is what happens when camera phones go wild at the taping of Microsoft's Xbox launch event. I assume this is the same show that will be airing on MTV, Thursday night at 09:30pm.

White is an interesting color for a console. I seem to remember a couple of consoles that tried that long ago. You may have heard of them. The NES and Super NES. Duh! I hope Microsoft has taken into consideration what happens to a white console after a couple of years. It becomes beige, and beige isn't exactly the coolest color in the world for a console. Someone should also mention to Microsoft that going 360 degrees puts you right back where you started. It would be like everyone deciding that the world is actually flat and we've been wrong all this time. I've also heard that the console is so massive that it actually creates internal black holes to power it......just like Romulan warships.

Ok I made up that last part....except for the Romulans. That part is true.


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