Monday, June 27, 2005

Free Katie

By this point you should be aware of the facts. If not, let me get you up to speed. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are an item now and are currently engaged. Katie is converting to scientology, a "religion" (notice the quotes) that Cruise is a passionate follower of. Okay, I knew all this. Anyone keeping up with entertainment news knows this. This article has dug a little deeper though. Apparently, Katie recently fired her manager, fell off the radar for a few weeks, and has acquired some new friends. It's starting to sound like an episode of Unsolved Mysteries (hosted by Robert Stack). One can't help but wonder what's going on.

I heard about this site a few weeks ago and dismissed it as pure humor....nothing more. Now, I'm not so sure. Maybe they knew something was fishy all along. What if all of this is some huge massive plot to bring scientology to the masses? Stamp a pretty face on it and people will be more receptive to it. Maybe I'm just paranoid and like coming up with ridiculously complex conspiracies that seek to undermine our society.


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