WoW Fusion....Nostalgic Gaming?
Nah, it's cool and you're right...World Of Warcraft was a great game for sure. We all have our little gems from the past we like to break out every now and then...I just re-installed Unreal Tournament 2004 again and have been trying out all the different mods that been released in my absence. Plus with a modded Xbox, it's easy to "extendedly rent" all the new releases I can possibly stand. It keeps my game on enough so that I don't spend my hours standing around Best Buy drooling all over their display Xbox 360s.
But just to be are the first person to ever warn me against "retro" gaming. Remember when you went back and tried to play Decent or Tomb Raider on your old school Playstation? Holy crap...those are some big ass pixels!!!!
PS I'm halfway done with my mages 15K Geomancer Armor in Guild Wars, so I can be a l337 m4g3 who pwnz0r j00 h0bo 4rs3 too ya know...
If for some odd reason I don't have my hands on a new Xbox soon, maybe I'll join ya in Azeroth again, but while we're in the retro spirit...I'm hearring good things about that new graphical expansion pack for Asheron's Call 1. That's right. I went there. I'm thinking Battle Mage...the one game in MMO history that mages weren't designed to be gimped out bitches.
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