Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Video Games Live: Revisited

The video game concert experience that defies explanation is ramping back up. They were initially set to tour the U.S. in 2005 but were only able to make a few dates. There were some issues that had to be worked out but now it looks like it's full steam ahead. I haven't posted on the topic in a while because I was waiting to see how things pan out. There is a new tour schedule up at the site and I've got a video to share with you. Watch this and tell me that's not hot!

I have recently added their Marketing Coordinator to my friends list over at MySpace and I'm hoping to convince her that gamers know what time it is in KY. If not here, then maybe our malignant brother to the north can host it. (cough) Ohio (cough)

I'm not opposed to going to Chicago to see it but that's also the weekend that Wizard World will be there. In fact, Wizard is hosting the event and honestly I don't know if I can handle all that. We're talking an epic merger of nerdtastic proportions. You've got the yin and yang of geekdom (video games and comics) coming together as one....and I'm not sure anyone will be able to walk away from that without being forever altered.