Friday, July 21, 2006

The Best Games I'm Not Playing

OK so we all know I did some modifications to my 1st gen XBox a while back. I installed a "special" chip, FTP'd an OS and BIOS hack and added a bigger (much bigger) hard drive to umm...easily access games stored directly on the hard drive. Since I've been engulfed with the hi-def splendor of 360 and don't get much play time on the Xbox (or "motherboxx" as I call it...anyone read Mister Miracle?). In hopes of trying to fill the huge hard drive up with games, I signed up for a Gamefly account, which is basically like Netflix for video games. Anyway, I've got tons of 1st gen Xbox games on there now, many of which I haven't played past the tutorials. Here's a quick round-up I like to call:


- A Bard's Tale -
The game is your standard top-view, RPG style game where you roam around, do quests, kill lots of stuff in dungeons and woods, etc. Pretty basic stuff except you summon your teamates with your lute. The really thing that makes this game stand out is that the voice acting and the humor is outstanding. It's an RPG that know's it's an RPG and the jokes and writing is worth playing through for the giggles. The banter between the smart-ass bard and the Dungeon Master cracks me up. Graphics aren't bad and it plays as good as any other game of this genre.

- Jaws Unleashed -
You play the shark. Imagine Ecco The Dolphin meets Kill All Humans. You get to swim around in some pretty good graphical ocean environments, eating divers, smashing boats and causing mayhem wherever you go. Gameplay is smooth and overall, it's just fun to play.

- Indiana Jones -
Terrible. I hope this foul piece of programming never crosses your retinas.

- Gun -
Well the tutorial to this one was pretty good. The graphics aren't bad. Movement is a little choppy, but the shooting works well. It would have been nice to see some interesting multiplayer elements like Red Dead Revolver, but this is a game I might play through if I was trapped somwhere with only low-def TV and the motherboxx.

- Darkwatch -
Now here's an interesting shooter. Standard 1st person layout, but as the name implies, it's very dark. Everything is supernatural and the graphics are kickass. The gameplay is great and the story isn't bad either. I've played through the first few bosses and really enjoyed it. Then I shut it off and haven't been back since, but not because it sucked like Indiana Jones.

- NBA Jam 2004 -
Sometimes you want to play something with your buds that doesn't require a ton of thinking. Especially when the wife takes over the only hi-def TV in the house to do Tae Bo and you have to game upstairs on the ol floor model TV from 1976. NBA Jam is just like the old version (fast movement, big heads and slamming, cartoon-style dunks) but the graphics and players have been updated.

- Prince Of Persia: Two Thrones -
Is it good? I don't know. The tutorial looked nice though. Graphics are about the same as Sands Of Time, which I thought was really fun to play.


At 10:26 AM, Blogger John said...

It looks like comments have been opened to the public...or at least to other Bloggers. Alright, bring it on man!

I need a good solid year to go through all the games I have laying around. It's just getting harder and harder to find the time to play. :(


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