Junk Drawer - #1
I've got some random stuff to throw around, so bear with me as I experiment with a little something I like to call "Junk Drawer".
- The past week was Hell on Earth in the Francis household. I managed to contract some kind of alien stomach virus, which knocked me flat on my ass for several days. Symptoms include projectile vomiting, intense stomach cramps, and explosive diarrhea. And that's just the first few hours. As you to start heal, headaches and back pain are common along with an enhanced sense of smell. No joke. But why suffer alone, when you can share the fun with your spouse or domestic life partner. Good times!
- I'm digging the recent changes to the blog. A new address and the addition of gamercards is a nice touch. As I'm sure you've noticed, my gamercard leaves a lot to be desired. Until I can get my hands on a HDTV and a 360, it will have to do. I can link you to my Halo2 stats, if that does anything for you. Anyway, if you all are interested in other ways to display your gamercards, check out this site.
- Paris Hilton has a game out and managed to get the name of it wrong at E3. Color me surprised. Read all about it.
- Gordon isn't the only one who has succumbed to the wily advances of one Steve Jobs. My wife got me an iPod Nano for our anniversary. Traditionally, the fourth anniversary is either books, fruit, or flowers. My wife decided to buy something from Apple. Isn't that cute? I'm pretty impressed with the little thing, and I'm sure you'll be seeing a review from me at some point in the near future. If you're looking for some killer skins or cases for your iPod, check out iStyles.com. They also have stuff for the GBA SP, PSP, Game Boy Micro, and Nintendo DS. The company is based out of Singapore, so don't order anything unless you have some degree of patience. I ordered the following skins and I'm super-psyched about their arrival:
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