Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lost Me

So the season finale of Lost was a huge letdown. It's panning out to be little more than X-Files on Gilligan's Island. We like the characters enough to watch their "riveting" backstories, but the supernatural events on the island fail to deliver. No answers, just more questions. Last night should have offered some sort of inclination as to what's going on...alternate realities, time warps, government experiments, aliens, dinosaurs, SOMETHING for God's sake! Instead we laugh as a minor character explodes and scratch our heads when we are introduced to redneck kidnappers and a hole in the ground with a ladder. Whoopdie do. I agree with some who say it's ok to have mystery and suspense and not give complete answers, but if you're going to tease and temp viewers with strange, supernatural or sci-fi oddities, you have to move the story forward at some point and let the cat out of the bag.

That's just my two cents, but I pretty much agree with this guy's review of the finale.


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