Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Extreme Stick Death... this has been out for awhile, but I thought I'd post it anyways.. I dig the ending...

Ha Ha Ha, no sex for you! What a bitter little pill... man that was bad.

Looks like Spyware is fighting back against AdAware...

LIVING Causes cancer.. want proof? yet another case...

Ever want to see someone taz'ed? Well now you can, check it out here on TechTV

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Looplabs is an on-line music maker/mixer and is one of the best Flash sites I've seen in a while. Guess that's why it won the Best Sound Winner, Flashforward2002. Don't go here if you have something to do in the next hour.

Man if only our blogger site was as much fun as The Caption Machine.

The dudes over at AnalogX have come up with a really great utility that monitors your connection speed, as well as how much information your computer can actually send and receive. This TCP/IP protocol monitor pings and monitors speed and routes through dial-ups, dsl, cable and LANS! It even monitors your CPU usage! It's called NetStat Live and is available for free download here. If you'd like to see what the control panel looks like check out this screenshot!

Set your computer to optimize your cable modem or DSL connection. A great site for some registry tweaks and performance boosts for boadband users. Navas Cable Modem/DSL Tuning Guide.

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Do you remember a time when the internet had no ads and barely any pictures? Way back in 1996, the internet looked very different than it does today. Check out The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. It's like a little time machine that lets you view any page as it was when the internet was young and new. Another shamelessly ripped site from Martin's Site of the Night section from Tech TV.

Yes, I know screensavers are pointless in this age of quick refreshing monitors. They still look cool though. Here's a visually impressive one I really like. It's called Dremples and not only does it make a spectacular screensaver, but it can also run as your desktop, using only idle CPU cycles.

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Getting sick of internet advertising?
No? Me neither. I love the stuff! It's colorful, it's informative and its the backbone of the so-called "cyber economy". Most content on the Internet-- from the latest news sites, sports scores and stock quotes-- is free to consumers. Why? Because of effective Internet advertising. The Network Advertising Initiative, however gives users the option to remove the ads from their network of advertisers. Check out the Opt-Out feature on their website. Although it won't remove all ads from your surfing experience, it really makes a noticeable difference. It's not permanent either, so you have to go back every couple months to re-submit. So if you want to take away those lovely advertisements, go ahead...but remember this: Without advertising, a terrible thing happens....nothing at all.

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

New Windows Filesystem a threat to Open Source...

Ahhh... Carnivore...

The Dutch legalize ...euthanasia

Cussing canoeist?