Friday, March 31, 2006

Pray for this losers!

In the on going assault I personally wage against religion every day of my life I have found this interesting article. It turns out that when people pray for the sick they are actually MAKING THEM SICKER THEN THEY STARTED!

Thats right boys and girls, when people pray for heart patients it in fact INCREASES the chances of complications. So next time you "pray" for old Aunt Millie youre actually sending that old-crusty-social security draining-prehistoric fossil one foot closer to the grave. If Im keeping score correctly that brings the score to:

Science: 1,953,053,305
Jesus: 0

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Scientology is for idiots.

Alright I've let this Scientology crap go for a long time without saying much about it. One thing I really love about the web (other than all the free porn and music you can get) is that people can use the web to propagate information that would normally be muffled. Here's my contribution to that effort:

That site details the actual specifics behind Scientology and I'll tell's quite infuriating once you start reading about it. In light of recent events, I still can't figure out why brainwashing cults are still allowed in this country so I've decided that anything remotely connected to Tom Cruise, Kirstie "Death To All Twinkies" Alley, Issac Hayes or any other brain-dead, fart-huffing Scientologist is pure garbage. I think I'd rather sign up for Heaven's Gate, The Jim Jones Cult or even those skinny, little Asian kids selling roses on the freeway before I'd hang with these idiots.

And let me extend my middle finger by posting this list of known members
and their cute, little spaceship ranks too.

Cheesy Fight Scene

If you're in an ass-kicking mood and need a quick laugh, check out this video.

>> Best fight scene of all time <<

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Meat Suicide

No this isn't a Jackass stunt where Johnny Knoxville wanders into a tiger's cage wearring nothing but the infamous "Meat Suit" ...

This is the story that will get me through another tough day at work.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Tauren's Kilt

Props to Oxhorn.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dell knows least it does now

Dell recently launched a lineup of high end gaming PC's called the XPS line. Well from what I heard they didnt do too well against the high end competition such as Alienware and Falcon Northwest.

So what is a company to do when it needs to boost its image among gamers and has billions of dollars to spend?

Why buy out the competition of course. Thats right Dell is buying Alienware. The good news is that Alienware will remain a seperate brand and operate pretty much unchanged. Well heres hoping that Dell knows that descretion is the better part of valor and leaves Alienware to make kick ass computers while Dell cranks out turd missle computers for little old ladies.

Utility For BIG Emails

Here's a utility for sending emails that are too large to send through conventional ISPs. You can upload up to 1 GB for free (or larger for a small fee) and YouSendIt stores the files on their servers and sends a link to the download to the recipient. Warning: It may take several hours to upload the file, but it does work when you have no other option to get those large files through email.

Monday, March 20, 2006

V for Vendetta Review

Hollywood's latest trend in taking comic book classics and transforming them into mediocre box office hits further reinforces my theory that comic books are the single-most underrated medium to tell a good story. The recently released V for Vendetta, based on Alan Moore's comic book from the mid 80s, although translates beautifully from four-color newsprint to big screen, will leave many simpleton viewers (and critics) dumbfounded. For the few of us who aren't afraid of independent thought influenced by challenging or different points of view, this movie will be one of our all-time favorites.

The movie, set in the not-so-distant future, portrays a big-brother government that has forced its citizens into quiet conformity through the use of curfews, councils and book bans. The hero is a mask-wearing, revolutionary terrorist who plans to blow up the English Parliament in hopes of giving freedom back to the people. As the tale develops, the history of this dark, alternate future unravels and we soon discover that these events drastically affect the present situation and further propagate the need for change.

There's no doubt that the idea of a terrorist hero will make many people cringe. V is portrayed as a freedom-fighter in a post-apocalyptic time when fear of terrorism has reached hysteric proportions. Although the themes of the movie may seem anarchistic and V's Shakespearean, theatrical dialogues concerning revolution and freedom may bore some people, the truth is that the movie presents ideas, not just images. We're continuously presented with the fact that we need not be worried about who is behind the mask, as his true identity is not important. The message lies within the ideas he represents. A man is just a man, but a man who represents something more, something larger than what he is, can never die or be killed.

There is true substance here, although many won't see it. Many audiences will downright hate this movie. Revolutions start small and often die off as fanatic lunacy and although this very country was founded on fanatic ideas raised by a thoughtful few, somewhere along the line, we've forgotten that. This movie could very easily be taken as anti-patriotic, however upon further contemplation; you'll find it's the most powerful form of patriotism that has ever existed in hearts of man: The need to change the world for the sake of freedom, often in the form of defiance. Viva La Revolution!

Friday, March 17, 2006

"This is rock perfection"

New CD coming >>> make with the clicky.

Caught With His Pants Down

I like World of Warcraft. I like it a lot. My fondness for it though pales in comparison to that of others. Like this guy for example. If you're at work or in a setting that could cause offense to others, you may want to turn down your volume or use headphones. This guy is pretty vocal when his Night Elf desires are exposed for all the world to see.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Speking Of Ass-Kicking Genealogy

My family tree has actually been traced back to someone who came over on The Mayflower (all on one sheet of paper) AND it was done the old school way at the library, long before the internet and Family Tree Maker 2.0.

And speaking of being related to people who kicked major grandfather's great aunt was one of Lucy Boone's children. Lucy who later married Squire Boone, brother of Daniel Boone. We actually have silverware that belonged to the Boone Family in our family safe. I've indirectly made out with, sharred slobber and licked on the same gravy ladle as THE Daniel Boone!

Oh and I'm only 4 degrees from Kevin Bacon because I went to WKU with TV's Michael Rosenbalm (Lex Luther from Smallville) who, and this is no shit, to this day still puts the moves on my friend Paul's wife. How would you like to be the poor guy who has Lex Luthor hitting on YOUR wife?

Comical response mode: ACTIVATED

Well you can tell Fusion is from DOUCHE-land alright...just look at the skin tone on that cracka!

Note: I used "cracka" instead of "cracker", so it's ok...but only for us whites because thats OUR word. Remember the old t-shirts that read "It's a black thang you wouldn't understand"? Now it's a caucasion concept you wouldn't comprehend.

I'm a smart-mouthed Scottish decendant so screw the Irish anyway.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Angry rant mode: ACTIVATED

So as another St. Patrick’s Day creeps on us Im reminded of the fact that I HATE St. Patricks Day. Why would I hate a day that gives an excuse to get drunk on a Saturday and hang out with my friends? Heres why: the Irish. Well not the actual “Irish” so much as the pseudo-Irish. Im sure most of you people (both of you reading this) have seen those stupid pins people wear while drinking their Guinness (AKA motor oil in a glass) which say “Kiss me Im Irish”. Well 99.489% of people who wear those buttons usually take it a little too far because their conversations go like this:

[Drunk Guy with “Kiss me Im Irish pin”]: Hey baby, Im drunk and have this pin which suggests you kiss me because Im Irish.

[Drunk Girl who is probably a stank whore]: Ohh are you really Irish because your pin seems to indicate that you are.

[Drunk Guy with a look of deep contemplation on his face]: Yeah, I am. Im totally from Irishland. My uhhhh….ancestors came from there and stuff and Im like almost sure that I’ve uhhhh… seen pictures of an Irish guy once.

[Drunk Girl who has no ability to detect total bullshit]: Wow, that’s so cool! You are so totally ethnic. Want to bang my brains out?

In reality the retards in the above conversation couldn’t find Ireland if you gave them a color by numbers map of Europe. This is where my problem lies. Why is it so cool to be Irish that people would make up completely bullshit heritages that they have no legitimate claims to? People seem to think being descended from the immigrants from Ireland is so uber-cool. Why you might ask? Im pretty sure there is no good reason for it but what the hell here goes a few theories on why people jock those limey bastards so much.

First is the drinking thing. Irish people are regarded world wide as “hardcore drinkers”. This is great for the dumb ass frat guy who wants to boost his ego by coming from a long line of “holy crap I get drunk every night” kind of people. In reality the Irish do NOT consume the most beer per capita, that honor goes to Germany with 110 liters of beer consumed per person per year. They also do NOT lead the world in per capita hard liquor consumed per year, that honor goes to those crazy vodka drinking Russians, followed closely by the US. So as far as the Irish being the biggest drinkers on the planet it has been concluded as: TOTAL BULLSHIT. All the Irish are is people who cant hold their liquor as good as Germans, Russians, or Americans.

Second is the actual St. Patricks Day event. Most people think by being associated with the Irish it will make them “cooler” at the local SPD gathering. They will suddenly get surrounded by people who will heap praise on them for being “a real Irish” and raise them to the level of demi-god for the day. Well that’s crap. Saying your Irish just to try and be cool on SPD is like trying to say you’re a Scientologist so you can get into the Tom Cruise fan club. Who is responsible for this shear idiocy usually? Well from my observations its drunken college students. Oddly enough its not always guys. Ive met many many drunk chicks who try to pull this stupid bullshit. Let it go people.

If you ever ask someone how they’re Irish you will usually get some good answers. By good answers I mean idiotic bullshit. So the two most popular answers are usually this:

1. I don’t know. I just know Im Irish.

2. Well my dad’s-brothers-wife’s-cousins-mother in law’s-hairdresser’s-college roommate saw Ireland one time while flying to Amsterdam to score some top dope which I figure makes me at least 33% Irish.

As you can plainly tell both of these answers in no way prove anyone is freaking Irish. I think what the problem has become is that Irish is one of those “default” heritages for people who don’t know where the hell they came from. Most people probably have no idea what their ancestry is so they randomly pick countries or races, which they think is cool, and mix and match a family tree for themselves. Since the Irish have their own holiday, which involves drinking, I can see why they would be the most popular. The second most popular, which brings me to my next ranting point, is Native Americans. Ask any person who claims to be Irish on SPD what their heritage is and you get the following form answer:

Im Irish and Native American and (Insert 3rd random country here).

Apparently Irish people loved screwing the shit out of Indians because every drunk retard at a bar in mid-March is descended from the unholy union of Limey potato eaters and Pocahontas. I just don’t get it. If all the NA’s were rounded up and herded off to reservations how the hell are so many damn people related to them? Is there a secret government program to inject the DNA of NA’s into the population so dumbasses can have something to brag about? Most of the people who claim to be “25% Native American” are whiter then the underside of my ball sack.

Im going to make a movement to get people to claim other countries you don’t often hear about yet kick way more ass then the Irish or Native Americans. Heres a partial list for you people who want to put together a fake family tree.

Mongolians: Which people have controlled the largest empire to ever span the earth? Romans? Alexander the Great? Persians? No you morons it was the Mongolians. They ruled from China to eastern Europe and they did so for a long time. They were some of the biggest ass kickers to grace the face of this planet.

Germans: Few countries can ever claim to have started two world wars. Yes they were the bad guys but bad guys tend to be freaking tough guys. Not to mention the hordes which dismantled the Roman empire were German. Who stared down the Russians during the cold war knowing World War III would be fought in its own back yard…yup it was the Germans. So have another bratwurst and chug down that beer because its uber cool to be from Deutchland (that’s German for “Germany”).

Ukrainian: Russia is a big place and if you ask Russians who they are think are ass kickers and you usually get one answer: Ukrainians. Why? Because they control large parts of the vast Russian mafia. Many of the most feared KGB agents during the USSR days were Ukrainian. These guys just don’t give a shit, they’ll beat your brains in just for the hell of it and then drink vodka as you lie there in a bloody pile.

So in conclusion you’re not Irish, you can’t drink, and you suck because you’re not German. Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day you bloody wankers.

Documentary on Chinese Gold Farmers

This is just a preview, but is definitely worth checking out. My two-cents can be found over at WoW Insider.

CinciClassic Gaming Convention - April 7-8, 2006

Check it out, an honest to goodness gaming convention in the area. I know how Joe feels about classing gaming but Lord knows I love to wax nostalgic. I'm not as hardcore about it as some people but I still feel that the Super NES is one of the best systems ever. I think that a lot of its games stand the test of time. The fact that kids across the world are playing games of SNES quality on their Gameboys is a testament to the solid gameplay that is offered.

Did I mention it's FREE?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Dungeons & Dragons Online Review

Well I've been talking about it for months now and I finally have spent enough time with the game to be able to work up a solid review. On with it then...

Dungeons & Dragons Online is the latest MMORPG from Turbine. It officially launched last week and I haven't been able to focus my attention on anything else since (OK except for the XB360). I'm a self-proclaimed, former addict of many other popular MMOs over the past several years, having played Turbine's Asherons Call and Asheron's Call 2, along with six month memberships to City Of Heroes, World Of Warcraft and Guild Wars. I'm also an old D & D player from the old school when a book, paper, some geometrical astounding dice, a couple pals and a decent imagination could keep you gaming for hours. This game is based in the Ebberon campaign setting, which is the latest and greatest set of adventures published by Wizards Of The Coast.

So what makes this game different than the others?

1. No crafting. None whatsoever. No customizing weapons or digging up resources either. That's not to say there isn't trading...there's just no trade skills to build up or crafting. The game is mostly about quests and loot.

2. No PK. No plans to add any either. Turbine wanted to capture the spirit of the old pen and paper as much as possible and exploring dungeons with your friends is what this game is centered around.

3. Built-in voice chat. Grab a headset and mic and sit there like a teenager in a fast food drive through because now you can talk to everyone in your party in real time. I personally contribute that (along with no PK) to the fact that there aren't as many pointlessly mean, smack-talking children. People are a lot "tougher" when they're hiding behind a keyboard.

4. No soloing. Without a well-balanced group, don't expect to get very far in this game. Again, capturing the spirit of D & D here. You ever see a Dungeon Master running himself through an adventure? Many of the level 1 and 2 quests work well with a duo, but after a few days, you will need more than 2.

5. No farming. No grinding away for hours. In fact, you don't get ANY XP for killing creatures. The only way to get XP in this game is to play through quests. If you can play through without killing one single creature, you get the same XP as killing everything that walks. It's the main incintive for playing smarter and not just harder or longer.

6. Rogues are useful. The dungeons are littered with traps. Flame traps, spear traps, traps that make you wish you had put a couple more points into your search skill. Clerics (healers) are pretty useful, but the rogue class is equally as useful and often necessary to complete key quests. They can find and disable traps, open locked chests and locate hidden areas with ease. I'd take a rogue in my group over a healer any day (but both would be nice). The game is not about rushing through instances as fast as you can. It's about solving puzzles, taking your time to explore, stealth, strategy, clever ways of thinking and working together as a team.

7. No open-ended hunting areas. Mostly dungeon crawls here, although there are several areas, called Danger Zones, that allow you to run in outdoor areas, killing random encounters for XP, but not like hunting where XP is divied per kill. These encounters are more like mini encounter

An example would be the use of magic to outsmart (not necessarily overpower) your enemies. Recently, we played through a dungeon that opened up into a large area with a high level and a lower level. There were kobold shamans along the top and bottom, so instead of rushing through and taking the lower ones while the top caster beat us up from above, I snuck in and casted Charm Creature on the top kobolds. They started attacking the lower kobolds, keeping them occupied enough for us to run through, loot the key out of the chest and run out before the charm spells wore off. Playing smarter can equate to more loot in your pack. I can't stress how different this game is in that respect.

The graphics: Just like you'd expect from Turbine, the graphics are perfect. Players from AC2 will recognize the interface and even some of the models (I'm almost certain that the new Warforged character class uses the old Lugian models). The interface is the same and the GUI is fully customizable. There are some nice enhancements, like the 20-sided dice that actually shows on the screen so you can see when you roll a hit or a miss. Turbine really took the time to translate the D & D 3.5 ruleset into this game flawlessly with only a few minor changes.

Overall, it's a great game if you're looking for something different. There are only a few minor things I would change. An in-game chest or bank shared between characters would be nice to make it easier to move items between characters. Also, there's a heck of a learning curve if you're unfamiliar with D & D rules. I'm sure I'll be sick of this game sooner or later, but for now, it's terrific.

StarDock - 1 More Happy Customer

Fusion's review of Galactic Civilizations below reminded me of another terrific StarDock product, which is the full StarDock suite that includes Object Desktop and Windows Blinds. These are the main two, but you get a whole mess of programs and utilities that essentially skin the daylights out of your desktop. The software is all tied to the WinCustomize website and allows users to download desktop toys, new wallpapers, windows skins, widgets and custom-designed desktops with all new interfaces and animations. I had a lot of fun with this over the past year and although I more than likely won't re-subscribe, I'd highly recommend giving it a shot just to make your computer time more interesting. Plus, they have a custom Star Trek Desktop that you can download which is worth the 50 bucks by itself.

Video Games Live: Revisited

The video game concert experience that defies explanation is ramping back up. They were initially set to tour the U.S. in 2005 but were only able to make a few dates. There were some issues that had to be worked out but now it looks like it's full steam ahead. I haven't posted on the topic in a while because I was waiting to see how things pan out. There is a new tour schedule up at the site and I've got a video to share with you. Watch this and tell me that's not hot!

I have recently added their Marketing Coordinator to my friends list over at MySpace and I'm hoping to convince her that gamers know what time it is in KY. If not here, then maybe our malignant brother to the north can host it. (cough) Ohio (cough)

I'm not opposed to going to Chicago to see it but that's also the weekend that Wizard World will be there. In fact, Wizard is hosting the event and honestly I don't know if I can handle all that. We're talking an epic merger of nerdtastic proportions. You've got the yin and yang of geekdom (video games and comics) coming together as one....and I'm not sure anyone will be able to walk away from that without being forever altered.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Longest post ever? Or a new game review

It usually takes me several weeks, and sometimes up to a month to decide on purchasing a new game. I go through a rigorous selection process which involves selecting a genre, scanning reviews, looking at previews, watching game trailers, searching message boards, looking at the box art, consultation with friends and price comparison. The purchase of a game for me is more akin to buying a house or car then a simple purchase. That’s why I was so surprised with myself that I bought my most recent game on the relative drop of a hat. As you know Ive recently quit WoW and needed something to keep me busy. I reinstalled Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat to give me some mindless killing, which was nice, but I needed something that I hadn’t played in a while. So it was very fortunate that I saw Gamespot’s review of Galactic Civilizations II (from here on out referred to as GalCiv just to save me some typing)on the front page of their site. The game scored very well and was touted as the next great thing in 4X (space strategy games for you n00bs) gaming.

Well I was getting ready to head out the door to my local Best Buy (yes I admit I buy from them….Im not proud of it but the big stores and shiny electronics draw me in like a rat to a trap), when I noticed on the website for GalCiv the ever so convenient “Purchase and Download” link. Well what do you know I didn’t even have to leave the house! The site gave 2 options. Purchase for download only for $45 or purchase and download and get the CD’s and manual in the mail for $45 + shipping and handling. I figured for an extra $5 worth of shipping the manual would be nice to have. So I went from no game to downloading and installing in the span of about 4 minutes. Beat that Best Buy!

This leads me to a preface of my actual game review. I would like to say a few words about the developers of GalCiv as it may easily be the most impressive part of this whole game. The game was developed by a small company known as StarDock (SD) which has developed several games over the last few years, some of which you may have heard of, most if which you haven’t. The first thing I noticed on the game’s site was that it’s essentially a Blog. The developers post updates and allows people to comment on them. Also the message boards are filled with developer posts. Most game developers only post on the message boards of their games when something really bad has happened (delays, cancellations, major design changes) or something really good has happened (beta testing, release dates). SD on the other hand has dozens of developer posts every week, they genuinely seemed to be interested in what the community has to say about the game.

The next thing about the company is that they have NO copy protection on the game. The CD and downloaded version can be loaded on as many computers as you want. You are given a serial number so you can get updates and download new races, ships, scenarios etc. And that’s where the magic of the system comes into play. SD releases SO MANY updates that if you don’t have the serial number its almost not worth having the game. Sure you could pirate it super easy but with all the new stuff its like getting free vanilla when you could pay a little bit and get 30 more flavors of ice creamy goodness. Between the progressive copy protection methods, full game purchase downloads, and developer interactivity I must say that SD ranks at the very top of my short list of “Game developers who don’t suck and don’t piss me off”.

After having said all the game review will be pretty short and sweet because Ive only played the game for a couple hours. Like most space empire building games you all the usual features, 9 different races, a huge fully customizable galaxy to explore and conqueror, and a vast branching technology tree. Unlike a lot of other space strategy games GalCiv has great graphics and an interesting story line. One thing I noticed right away was the amazing AI of the computer opponents. Every different race has unique tactics which changes depending on which race you play. I started with the humans just for the hell of it and the Dregin instantly tried to blast me out of the sky which the Altari wanted to trade technology. Whoever when I tried a different race the Altari ignored me completely while the Dregin…well they still tried to blast me out of the sky. Anyway the AI is freaking brilliant. Ill have to put up a more in depth game play review when I get a few more hours put into it but I have the feeling this thing will suck down a lot of my time in the near future.

NES Controller Card Reader

This makes me really wish I had a Dremel right about now.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another book review...

Here comes another attempt to get you people out from in front of your TV's and computer monitors with another wonderful, insightful, eye opening Fusion's book review!!!!

Today Ill be discussing John socializes Old Man's War. At first this book seems like your typical Sci-fi spacefairing Starship Troopers knock off. After about the first 30 pages of the book you see this is pretty far from the truth. I guess Ill start with the set up of the book.

In the future (the book never actually tells you how far in the future) humans have expanded to the stars and started colonizing other planets with the advent of skip drive technology. One thing which humans quickly discover however throws a monkeywrench in the colonization plans: The galaxy is FULL. Most of the planets which can be inhabited by humans are already taken so if we want to expand we have only one choice: Take the planets by force. Enter the Colonial Defense Force. These guys are the ass kickers and the name takers of human space fairing forces. Sounds familiar correct? Well not really, because the CDF only recruit's people over the age of 75. So how does an army of 75 year old humans conquer alien races? Well they have their consciences transplanted into the genetically-altered-super-soldier-bodies. The book explains why geriatrics are used for this and it seems to flow nicely with the the storyline.

One of the things which the description on the cover mentions and which I at first was worried would ruin the book was the somewhat muddled morality which is the nature of conflict. Is it right for humans to wipe out entire species of aliens just so we can colonize another planet to expand the human empire? Make no mistakes this book points out many times that we ARE NOT the good guys in the galaxy. We are the invaders, the monsters coming in from outer space to crush your civilization and take your planet as our own. Honestly I loved this underlying theme of humans representing the very thing we think of as evil. What makes it work nicely is that the book doesn't club you over the head with it. The main character ponders these thoughts but never gets too bitchy about it.

As for the rest of the book you have a cast of sympathetic characters, combat, typical sci-fi techno-speak, interesting aliens and enough gut and gore to keep anyone interested. This book has me so engrossed I read it from front to back in 1 day. Its not overly long and the sequel to it just came out a few weeks ago. So get out there and do some reading you computer nerds!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Picture hosting

I dont know if you guys would ever need this but if you ever need a picture hosted on the web for free for things like links, auctions or storage you can use Picvault.

Its owned and operated by a guy who was in my WoW guild so Ive been using it for a while. Its completely free but you have to register on the site. The one draw back is the email account you register with is going to get tons of spam so make a fake yahoo email account and go at it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Natalie Portman Goes Gangsta

She was on SNL this past weekend and I'm sad I missed it. This is pretty damn funny right here. That's one thing I love about SNL. They give all these celebrities a platform from which to parody themselves or do something completely out of character.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Clarification To My Pals

Although Fusion did in fact ride the little van to school, I wasn't referring to YOU guys as being retarded, but only the retarded fleets of "special" kids hired to farm gold and drive online game economies into the toilet.

With Dungeons & Dragons Online on one side of the room, 61 inches of high-deffinition, Xbox 360 splendor on the other and my lovely wife in the middle...I'm loosing more time and sleep than ever before!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Retarded Child Strikes Back

Obviously, some of us are still finding excitement in the land of Azeroth. I appreciate the fact that Joe goes through games like a pro-athlete goes through women and performance enhancers. I also appreciate the fact that Fusion has his own agenda. The blog would be pretty lame if we all played the same thing and that's all we ever had to talk about.

So with that being said, who wants a beta code for Auto Assault? I got one today from NCSoft and I think anyone can use it. Drop me a line, if you're interested.

Acceptance is the first step.

Regarding the sad post below: No one asked Fusion to play D&D in the first place. He's "too hardcore" for old timers like us. Plus, anyone that would actually go BACK to World Of Warcraft (or the Land Of Retarded Children) after quitting falls below the cool threshold anyway. This post says it all about Warcraft.

Blowing the entire weekend making raid parties with 30 Korean kids (who farm gold for a living in sweatshops and ruin the game economy) is only fun for 6 months at a time.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Quitters never win...

Yeah I guess they dont but I quit WoW for the second time. The time sink was just too big. Oddly enough about 10 other people in my guild all decided to quit at the same time. I REALLY dont want to go back to play it even when the expansion comes out so Ill try to keep myself busy.

And no I will not be playing D&D Online. I might pick up Battlefield 2 though.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Who Wants To Be A Superhero?

The Sci-Fi Channel wants to know.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Superman Returns: The Video Game

Here's a first look at the game....which appears to be nothing more than a cut-scene from the game. It's not actual gameplay footage but it's still a nice treat. I'm willing to bet that's being rendered with the engine though and that's cool. Lord knows we need a good Superman game. I love Superman but he is definitely one of the hardest characters to translate to games. How do you make a game with a character that is near-invulnerable and make it challenging and rewarding at the same time? I guess we'll find out in June.