Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lost Me

So the season finale of Lost was a huge letdown. It's panning out to be little more than X-Files on Gilligan's Island. We like the characters enough to watch their "riveting" backstories, but the supernatural events on the island fail to deliver. No answers, just more questions. Last night should have offered some sort of inclination as to what's going on...alternate realities, time warps, government experiments, aliens, dinosaurs, SOMETHING for God's sake! Instead we laugh as a minor character explodes and scratch our heads when we are introduced to redneck kidnappers and a hole in the ground with a ladder. Whoopdie do. I agree with some who say it's ok to have mystery and suspense and not give complete answers, but if you're going to tease and temp viewers with strange, supernatural or sci-fi oddities, you have to move the story forward at some point and let the cat out of the bag.

That's just my two cents, but I pretty much agree with this guy's review of the finale.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Jenny's A Star

Check out my lovely wife engineer posing for this website mug shot:

I love the hardhat look.

Firefox Roxx

I finally converted and man...what took me so long? FIREFOX.....the only way to surf

Monday, May 23, 2005

Personalized Google

I don't want to burst Google's bubble but I've been using something similar to this for years now. It's called My Yahoo! I wish one of these companies would buy out the other so that we can all come together as one.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe Trailer

Check it out. Call me crazy but I'm really pysched about this movie. I was psyched about it before the trailer, which I haven't finished watching yet. Trying to watch it covertly at work. Anyway, a few weeks ago I caught some of the featurettes and was impressed by how much potential this movie has. It's being directed by Andrew Adamson, who did Shrek and Shrek2, has WETA doing the effects, makeup, weapons, costumes, etc. and is being filmed partially in New Zealand. Those three elements combined is enough to make me giddy. Tee hee.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Morgan Spurlock Has A New Reality Show

I was thoroughly impressed with "Super Size Me" and this new show sounds like it's right up my alley. I love the concept of taking people out of their familiar environments and letting them walk in someone else's shoes for 30 days.

By the way, if you haven't seen "Super Size Me", I highly recommend it. I don't watch a lot of documentaries but this one is well worth your time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

PS3 Preview

While we're on the subject of games, I thought I'd add this little preview of the PS3.
From the sounds of the specs, it might have the XB360 beat out, but I think I'll go X this time around again.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Xbox 360: Part Deux

Well, in case you didn't see it, the launch event on MTV wasn't nearly as exciting as one would hope. The highlights for me were The Killers (playing at The Louisville Palace on May 24th) and finding out that you'll be able to have multiplayer matches with 50 people in Perfect Dark Zero. I know you hardcore PC gamers are probably used to this, but for those of us on the console front, having 50 people in one game sounds like one of those ridiculous statements you can only hear from madmen and the subject lines of spam. You know what I'm talking about. Stuff like "Hot Body Lemur Joy" or "Reticulated Hinged Feces Magnet". But I digress...

Having spent as much time as I have on my Xbox and playing games on Xbox Live, I'm extremely excited about what they hope to accomplish with Xbox 360. It sounds like they're promising the world. I just hope they can deliver.

Go here for closeups of the console and what appears to be the wireless controller. You can find the good stuff (specs, features, and what not) here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mark Hamill Reminisces on 'Star Wars'

Once you've cleaned up the droids, you can take a look at this article. Personally, I can't wait til they start doing it with puppets on the lawn.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Angelina Once Caught a Fish

....this big. Seriously though, we've all heard how greeeaaaaatttt Brad Pitt is. We don't need you rubbing it in Angie.

Xbox 360

This is what happens when camera phones go wild at the taping of Microsoft's Xbox launch event. I assume this is the same show that will be airing on MTV, Thursday night at 09:30pm.

White is an interesting color for a console. I seem to remember a couple of consoles that tried that long ago. You may have heard of them. The NES and Super NES. Duh! I hope Microsoft has taken into consideration what happens to a white console after a couple of years. It becomes beige, and beige isn't exactly the coolest color in the world for a console. Someone should also mention to Microsoft that going 360 degrees puts you right back where you started. It would be like everyone deciding that the world is actually flat and we've been wrong all this time. I've also heard that the console is so massive that it actually creates internal black holes to power it......just like Romulan warships.

Ok I made up that last part....except for the Romulans. That part is true.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

More Hippy Festivals!

I've raved on and on about how fun Bonnaroo was. It looks like there's an offshoot: Check out the Zooma Tour and plan on this one.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Tom Hanks: At It Again

Looks like Tom Hanks is trying to make another blockbuster. I thought maybe he would have learned his lesson with Castaway. Wow. A guy stranded on an island talks to a ball for 2 hours. Remarkable.

Hopefully his new project will turn out better.