Thursday, July 21, 2005

James Doohan (1920 ~ 2005)

One of sci-fi's most memorable characters has passed away. Farewell Scotty.

GTA: San Andreas Uncensored

In case you haven't heard, there is a lot of controversy surrounding GTA: San Andreas. I should have posted this a long time ago. Someone found a way to open up some unused code in the game, which reveals a hardcore mini-game involving various sexual acts. The original article I found is here. It used to have images that were NSFW but they don't seem to be loading now.

Anyway, it looks like the senators and their grandmothers are sharpening their claws and putting in their fangs. Take-Two really dropped the ball on this one and they should be ashamed of themselves. It sounds like the ESRB is getting ripped a new one as well, which isn't fair at all. They can only rate the game they play and it's not their fault that Take-Two hid "Hot Coffee" in the code. But the people on Capitol Hill don't know any better and will simply blame the whole video game industry. Way to go Take-Two!

One step forward, Take-Two steps back. (sigh)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Maddox Needs Illustrators

Maddox is working on a book and needs artists. If you think you are hardcore enough for the task, go here. You only have two days left, though, so get cracking. I imagine that being able to draw pirates, lesbians, and burning hippies is a must.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sweatshops Farming Virtual Gold on MMORPGs

Leave it to the Chinese to employ young kids at .56 per hour to play MMORPGs for the sake of running macros, powerleveling and virtual gold farming.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Teenage Nudist Camps

Here's another one for the WTF!?! file. At what point does it make sense to have nude summer camps for teenagers? What kind of parent would take their child to one in this day and age? Why don't you just put a bow on your kid and drop them off at the local prison! Geez Louise people.

Zombies Versus Medieval Soldiers

In that never-ending quest to pit one group of bad-asses against another (i.e. Pirates vs. Ninjas), I offer the following. There are a group of people who get together in a Montreal park every Sunday to put their D&D skills and duct tape weapons to the test. A group of "hipsters" [?] decided to dress up like zombies and crash their party. Hilarity ensues. You can find more photos here and the forum thread that spawned the idea, right over there.

Friday, July 01, 2005

FedEx Furniture: Update

Looks like FedEx decided to take the low road on this one. The website is currently down and what chance does a guy, who can't even afford decent furniture, have against a global shipping company.

Screenshots from Project Gotham Racing 3

I'm not really into racing games but I can appreciate what games like Gran Turismo and Project Gotham Racing bring to the industry. Along with the majority of sports games, they continuously strive for mind-boggling realism. It looks like they may have hit this one out of the park. This is what a Next Gen game looks like. Try not to drool on yourself.