Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Do you love Canadian's ehhh? Well our great neighbors to the north hold many distict accomplishments. Check some of them out at this site here.

Click here you hoser!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Just more proof that your computer is really out to kill you.

Monday, July 29, 2002

for those of you who frequent the shop, this one is for you. Have you noticed how Joe Ferguson (one of the owners of Elite) bears a striking resemblance to the lead singer of Counting Crows minus the dreds? Check out their website and new CD.

Sunday, July 21, 2002

While surfing around the web I found a Micro$oft site I had never seen... Micro$oft Research. They have some extremely interesting ideas, such as Aladdin, MCoM , and pretty much anything you can think of.. check out their Research Page here.

Here's some old news, but it's finally coming to fruition....goats that make spider silk.

Whoa.. Reno has sunk to all new levels...

Interesting, skip past the cartoons and check out the stuff on the bottom...

Thursday, July 18, 2002

A high-ranking FBI official declares that he believes Usama bin Laden is dead. Fact or wishful thinking? You decide.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Klez got you down? None of your virus scanning software works? Well if you still have web access and your computer hasn't reached the smoldering pile of rubble stage, try out this website... free online virus scan.

YAP2Pp (Yet Another Peer 2 Peer File Sharing Program) Based on the Gnutella protocol.. which in my opinion has almost reached it's saturation point. Any why it just may not work for much longer

Thank God Gator is getting the boot

Hah, and just when you think using your credit card online is safe, Microsoft does this... did I say safe? I meant stupid.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Can you believe there are 131 mistakes in the movie Spider Man? Neither could I. See the cruddy editing blunders of your favorite movies at

Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games ..... or "MMORPG's" as they are commonly referred to by us video game enthusiasts are popping up all over the place. Many of us at Elite have played one or two and have seen these little gems destroy marriages, cost people their jobs, even cause people to drive accross the county to meet complete strangers. They're a bit like cyber crack and it looks like there's a BUNCH coming out in the near future. Can they all survive? Most deffinately not. This article talks about why they're doomed to fail and also a pretty extensive list of all the games to come out soon.

As a side note and pathetic example of the above sickness >> Everquest players have reached an all-time low. Shameless merchandising tour coming to a town near you!

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

The Backdoor Anakha. Is it an expensive sex act? A secret passage? A rare colon bacteria?

Its actually a computer virus that allows a hacker to access your computer using IRC. Find out about this virus and more in the largest computer virus encyclopedia on the internet. You can find fixes and patches to repair many common virus's here.

Go here for all your computer vaccinations